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             "TNR" is short for Trap Neuter Return or Trap Neuter Release, which is the same thing ~


Some rescues will also use the term "TNVR" which is short for Trap Neuter Vaccinate Return which is once again the same thing, because all cats that are sterilized will receive their vaccinations. 


             Trap-Neuter-Return is the humane approach to controlling feral, free roaming, homeless strays and is a proven method in reducing the euthanasia of feral/stray cats, that end up in local shelters.


              TNR includes humanely trapping, netting/poling the cat(s); having the cat sterilized (spayed or neutered), along with being vaccinated, and most importantly – having the international “well-trimmed” left ear-notched (left ear- tipping) to let animal control and folks of the community know, that the cat is fixed and is being cared for by a caretaker or a TNR rescue/group.  The cat(s) will be returned “home” anywhere from 3 to 9 days after surgery.  Now if the kitten or cat is friendly some TNR groups will rehabilitate the kitten/cat and place the feline up for adoption into a loving home, such as what we do here at Coastal Carolina Feral Cats TNR & Rescue. 

              Our organization does everything we can to see to it, that the kitten/cat can be rehabilitated into a home. In some cases, the feline is better off being TNR’d and returned home whether it is a colony cat or a stray.  

              Once the TNR’d cat has been returned home, the cat can live a long and healthy life outdoors, but needs support from dedicated caregivers for updated rabies, food, water and shelter. So in many ways a TNR’d cat can live a free, healthy and happy life for many years.

  Good Ear Tip

 & Bad Ear Tip



Below are photos of some of our TNR's - unfortunately, some of the vets we did use in the past didn't understand the importance of the ear-tipping. So below, you will see a few examples of bad ear-tipping & good ear-tipping.


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What is a  community cat?

Cat Colony Managment

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